WTF #4
I'm all for trying to keep it real with kids and not letting them learn with blinkers on, but we're skating on thin ice here in the 2-4 year old bracket, don't you think?
The French are a very no-nonsense bunch. Yes, we know cars crash and people die and that babies don't get delivered by a stalk, but do kids really need that?! E prefers to think of it as "car upside down".
And these French equivalent of Lego ... kid in a wheelchair and a birthing unit?! WTF!
Cool your jets, France.
WTF #5
Sausage, snausage, saucisson, salmonella sleigh, whatever you chose to call them there are plenty to be enjoyed through France, flavoured with everything from figs to olives, or hazelnut, garlic or mushroom. And apparently one from the man himself at 24€50 / kg!
You can BYO sausage to a bar, ask to try-before-you-buy from both the market vendor or the supermarket and you can travel cross-country with them too as we tried some lovely sausage from Corsica in our local Bistrot.
We were surprised i guess you'd say when we ordered the kids menu at a restaurant to see E served up a plate of sliced sausage. To his credit, he ate it all!
WTF #6
Frenchies consume the highest amount of butter per capita in the world, a smidge more than 8kg per person, per year.
So imagine the news breaking of a "Butter Crisis", it was front page. Bakers threatened croissant price rises, chefs contemplated using margarine, cafe's gave you one not two portions with your slice of baguette. Hardly enough.
It was reported as the "worst since the end of WWII". And we lived through it. Phew!
This was the horrific scene at out local Super U.
Some blamed the supermarket giants, some blamed the farmers, others blamed the EU and their dairy pricing policies, most fingers pointed at China and the Middle East for their increase in demand on French Pastries.
I think i'll just blame Trump.
We've run out of time and perhaps photos for further WTFs, however, honourable mentions go to;
- Chicken breasts cooked medium rare.
- Frenchies wearing t-shirts with poorly translated English on them, such as "Paris beach", "Message in bottle", "Safer in the shade" and my favourite, "Surprise, I'm drunk!".
- The overrepresenation of cargo shorts in the summer.
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