While the house filled with the most delicious aromas, we headed out on a walk through the countryside. The sun was setting and it was cold, but the colours of Autumn were spectacular. Elliot and I foraged for wildflowers, berries, pinecones and nuts. We could hear gunshots in the mountains behind the house, and we came across two seemingly friendly hunters, in all their camo gear, hunting dogs in tow. Must be after those wild boar I've read about! They smiled and tilted their caps and seemed just as amused at us picking weeds and taking photos of dead vines!
It was getting late, and cold, and my beef bourguignon was calling. In went the sautéed mushrooms and we were ready to serve (tip from Julia Child - never add raw mushrooms to a casserole, always sautée in butter first!)
A little potato gratin and green salad on the side, some crusty bread for mopping the plate, and of course, (another) bottle of red. Bon Appetit!
A xx